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All or Some of The Following Describe Your Current Content Sitch

You don’t have the budget for outsourcing yet (you might be in a growth phase where you’re building up your monthly sales or want to keep things lean and profitable for now)

You’re still in the early phases of figuring out what kind of content you like creating and the systems behind how you make it happen

The idea of handing over your content to someone else feels a little cringey at the moment or you make so many changes as you go that it’s just quicker to do it yourself at this point


Where to Focus Your Efforts First

At this phase, there are 2 main focuses when it comes to your content: #1: Experimenting to figure out what you like to do in terms of content and offers; #2: Documenting your steps for planning, creating, publishing and promoting content

“Start before you’re ready!” 

– Marie Forleo

#1 – Experimenting to figure out what you like to do in terms of content and offers

Before hiring someone or taking the step of setting up systems, try out different content styles to figure out what you like (i.e. are you a writer or a podcaster? Do you prefer providing how-to advice or inspirational stories in your social media posts?

#2 – Documenting your steps for planning, creating, publishing and promoting content

Once you’ve made your key style and strategy content decisions, then start documenting your processes from start to finish. This will help you maintain quality, get more consistent and eventually outsource once you’re ready.

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Hi, I’m Hailey 👋

A content genie (some say), founder of Your Content Empire and strategist who helps business owners get consistent with their content and build their 6-figure content empires on their own terms.

With the belief that great content is 20% strategy and 80% get-the-damn-thing-published, I’ve designed the 6-Figure+ Content Empire Foundation— a customizable framework that blends strategy with systems and has helped thousands of business owners (just like you) build money-making content empires on their own terms.

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