Your Content Empire - Your Profitable Funnel - Mug Paris

Content Empire Coaching

Welcome to Your Next Big Business Breakthrough

(those unfinished projects are holding you back—but not for long.)


You’ve got a lot on the go—but you’re not gonna get where you need to be if you’re constantly struggling to finish the projects that matter the most.

The good news? I’m here to help if any of these sound familiar …

You struggle to get to the finish line with projects – whether it’s because you’re trying to work on too many things, can’t find the time to create forward momentum or something else, we’ll create a cascading goal system that’ll help take your projects to the done line.

You’re in need of expert guidance and feedback – whether it’s a template that would make getting the job done easier or copy review for the confidence you’re moving in the right direction, my brain, eyes and library of system templates and implementation resources are yours.

You feel uncertain about what project to prioritize next – whether you’re juggling a lot of different priorities or working with limited-time availability, we’ll start our 3-month sprint together with a 90-minute intensive to get clarity on the projects and actions you’ll be working on.

Content Expertise x Accountability Coaching x Project Management

The Content Empire Coaching Program is A 3-Month Coaching to Help You Complete at Least 3 Major Content Projects in 12 Weeks (Even If You’ve Been Pushing Them Off For Months)


One-Time Payment of $3000 || 3 Payments of $1000/month || 6 Payments of $500/month


Here’s What Your Next 3 Months Looks Like


Sprint #1

90-Minute Kick-Off Call for Project Planning

Office Hour Call for Feedback

Momentum Call #1 to Update Project Plan and Talk Next Steps

Ongoing Accountability


Sprint #2

Office Hour Call for Feedback

Momentum Call #2 to Update Project Plan and Talk Next Steps

Ongoing Accountability


Sprint #3

Office Hour Call for Feedback

Wrap-Up Call to Create Updated ‘From Here’ Action Plan

Ongoing Accountability

Your Content Empire - Allie Royston - Content Empire Coaching - Windswept Design Studio

“Working with Hailey was the best investment for both myself and my business. I learned so much during our 3 months working together. My business now has a strategically built funnel to passively sell my course which was a huge goal of mine as a new mom. The funnel I built with Hailey’s knowledge and resources would never have been the same had I built it on my own. Hailey is an expert when it comes to building evergreen content systems. This is exactly why I’ve had Hailey on my wish list of people to work with for the past 4 years. I’m SO happy I enrolled in the Content Empire Coaching Program!”


what’s included

Your 3-Month Coaching Journey Includes…


90-Minute Planning Intensive – we start with a 90-minute kick-off call to create your personalized implementation path for our time together

3 Implementation Sprints – each month of the program is a month-long sprint where you’ll get accountability and personalized project plan to take action on your projects and goals

2 Momentum Calls – 60-minute coaching calls to update the project plans, discuss obstacles and talk through the implementation process for your projects

3 Office Hour Days – At the mid-way point of each sprint, you’ll submit questions and copy for review and feedback

Wrap-Up Call – a 60-minute coaching call to go over your progress so far and create an updated ‘from-here’ action plan

Handpicked Resources and Templates – based on the projects you’re working on, I’ll pull resources, templates and trainings from my library and agency to help you take quicker and more effective action

Dashboard – a place to easily access your project plan, visually view your progress and communicate between sessions


What You’ll Accomplish In The Sprints

This package is completely tailorable to your priorities and projects—whether that’s building out 2-3 sales funnels, setting up your measurement systems, your capsule content collections, your content operations manuals, finding and hiring a content VA, or something else. The biggest determinant of what we’ll get done in our time together is YOU (what you want, what you have capacity to implement, how you prioritize your must-haves) and during our kick-off call, we’ll create a plan that takes this into account.

With that in mind, here are a few examples of 3-month project plans I’ve tackled with clients through the mastermind (the predecessor of this coaching package):


Create and Launch Quiz Funnel including salespages, upsell sequences, quiz development, follow-up emails, build and set up

Create and Launch Podcast

Set Up Measurement System

Create Content Ops Manual for new podcast


Create new masterclass and sign-up system (for quarterly launches)

Create follow-up email sequence

Create measurement system

Create traffic strategy for funnel with check-ins

Set up daily FB live system and system for organizing videos for repurposing


Create a year of automated email campaigns and blog posts

Set up Pinterest traffic system

Hiring content VA and setting up documentation for support

Creating all content for launch (challenge, follow-up emails, just-add-dates launch plan)

Meet Your Mentor

Hey there, I’m Hailey 👋

I work with business owners who S-T-R-U-G-G-L-E to create content consistently—let alone turn it into content strategies that actually get results.

I show them how to grow their audiences and sales using content – while making the entire process easier through simple workflows and systems.

When I’m not talking all things content and funnels? I’m usually catching up on episodes of Real Housewives, geeking out over my latest planner find or serving up prosecco on tap in my vintage horse trailer mobile bar.

“I joined the Mastermind because I needed a content strategy instead of just trying all the things and hoping for the best. The one on one sessions were great because I had a sounding board for my plans and the tweaks you offer made everything a little better or easier. I am also a massive fan of all your templates and systems – an essential for the reluctant content producer. While Hailey is committed to her other groups and membership, the magic you see in there is only a fraction of what happens when she turns it on your specific business. Getting her expert eyes on you content, ideas and strategy is worth every penny. She will be your biggest cheerleader while keeping you focused on your goals.”


“Hailey never ceases to amaze me with all of the savvy content strategies she has in her toolbox. Just when you think you have her figured out, she pops up with something more incredible than you could imagine!”

amber mccue

Content Expertise x Accountability Coaching x Project Management

The Content Empire Coaching Program is A 3-Month Coaching to Help You Complete at Least 3 Major Content Projects in 12 Weeks (Even If You’ve Been Pushing Them Off For Months)


As Seen In

As Seen In

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