“Simple scales. Fancy fails.” And that's exactly what most business owners get wrong about their marketing funnels. They overcomplicate everything, waste time building complex systems, and still struggle to convert leads into sales.
What if I told you that my most successful clients – the ones generating 6 and 7 figures – are actually using the simplest funnel strategy I've ever seen? Today, I'm breaking down exactly how to create your own signature hand-raiser funnel. The best part? You can set this up in a single afternoon.
If you're tired of watching your complicated funnels break, or you're just getting started and want to do this the right way from day one – this blog post is for you.
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Are You Making Funnels More Complicated Than They Have To Be?
There are a million and one ways to make a funnel. At the end of the day, a funnel is just any way you bring someone from point A to point B, when point B is buying your offer.
What I've seen trip a ton of business owners, tons of my friends and clients too, is the idea that you need a complicated funnel if you're going to get WOW results.
The thing is though, that couldn't be further from the truth.
The more complicated your funnel is, the longer it's going to take you to build, the more opportunities it's going to have to break and the more challenging it's going to be to scale and optimize (take it from someone who scales and optimizes funnels for 6 and 7 figure business owners on a daily basis).
That's why I think everyone should start with a signature hand-raiser funnel and save fancy for after that's working.
I love this quote from Alex Hormozi. He says that “Simple scales. Fancy fails.”
Yup, yup, yup on all accounts.
Introducing the Signature Hand-Raiser Funnel
So what is a signature hand-raiser funnel? I'm so glad you asked.
This funnel is perfect for those selling high ticket offers and services but it also works really really well with digital products and courses too.
You start with a simple freebie that attracts and validates your potential clients (don't let the term “simple” fool you because as Leonardo da Vinci said, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”).
You want to be able to say with 90% certainty, that because someone downloaded your freebie, that means they're also interested in your offer.
(You can definitely use a hand-raiser digital product here instead, I'm actually hosting a challenge on what to do if your offer isn’t selling in your funnel whether it’s a digital product or your main funnel offer – I'll drop the link in the description. But for now let's just stick to freebie—more on why in a sec.)
Then you follow that up with the so-good-I-wanna-marry-it email sequence that starts with nurturing/product placement emails, leading up your direct invitations to your point of sale whether that's a salespage to checkout cart, an application or some version of a sales call.
So what makes the hand-raiser sales funnel so special?
The magic of the signature hand-raiser funnel comes down to 3 strategies layered on:
- Building the simplest projection model ever that gives you the levers needed to really scale this baby by increasing traffic and making incremental tweaks (us funnel strategists like throw terms like Conversion-Rate Optimization or CRO here).
- Running paid ads. Because this is a simple PDF freebie, running ads to it is usually much more affordable than other freebie types (which means you get data and feedback fast)
- Getting your hands a little dirty with direct outreach. What separates you from someone else who offers nearly the same thing, you give a crap about your potential clients. The way you show this is by connecting directly with the people in your funnel who are the most engaged, the most likely to buy based on the actions they take in the funnel. So what I call a “hot leads” system that give a 1-10 score based on how frequently they've clicked over to your point of sales is the perfect take-it-to-the-next level pairing for your signature hand-raiser funnel.
Is the Signature Hand-Raiser Funnel Right for You?
So should you have a signature hand-raiser funnel? Let's cover the why and when.
I think almost every business should have this funnel as a foundational piece for their main offer especially if that offer happens to be a service or a high-ticket offer.
That's one of the reasons, I often refer to the signature hand-raiser funnel as your breadwinning funnel. I mean, yes, you can play the game of scale and numbers and have an offer that you'd need to sell a hundred of every month to hit your revenue goal. But… wouldn't it feel easier (path of least resistence'y) to have an offer in your business that you could sell 1 or 2 of to hit your monthly revenue goal (especially if you have a package that's ongoing with ongoing payments like a 6 month coach package, retainer or group program)? Then any other offer and revenue that comes from it is just extra? Like a cherry on top?
I mean this ultimately comes down to revenue planning and business modeling.
But for most businesses, most of the time, I love the signature hand-raiser funnel as a foundation and then layering on other funnels for different offers as needed and only AFTER you have this core funnel serving up leads on the regular that you can consistently convert into dream come true clients.
Want a Content Post-It Headstart?
Are you ready to put this into action and create your own hand-raiser funnel? Because I'd love to help you do exactly that. I'm hosting a FREE workshop on Wednesday, March 12th where I'll guide you through creating an offer for your funnel that will actually sell ↓