Done-For-You Marketing Plan for Service Businesses

Hailey Dale


I’m Hailey – content strategist and founder here at Your Content Empire where we help you create more profitable, purposeful and productive content — and hopefully enjoy yourself more while doing it too. Learn more about me here >>

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Marketing Plan for Service Businesses: Get My Done-For-You Plan by Your Content Empire

In this blog post, I'm giving you a done-for-you marketing plan for service businesses because being a service-based business owner sometimes feels impossible. You’re working in the business, so much, serving your clients. That it can often leave less and less time for working on your business. On things like your systems, your admin, your messaging, and very very importantly, your marketing.

So what can happen is you get busy and booked (yay!) but then you hit the brakes on marketing. Those client projects wrap up and you're left panicking because you don’t have a backlog of potential clients waiting to fill those spots. It can be an endless feast and famine cycle.

What’s most important is finding a marketing that’s going to WORK and won’t take up all your time.

So in this video, I’m going to share a done-for-you marketing plan exclusively for service-based business owners.

Prefer to watch this video instead to get your marketing plan for service businesses?

Want to listen to this marketing plan for service businesses on the go?

A couple of months ago, I did a video on a Done-For-You: Monthly Marketing Plan for Membership Owners. And I mentioned that memberships are one of my favourite business models from a content opportunity standout. Another really great business model for content opportunities is service-based businesses. Every single client you get, is an opportunity to multiply that one client into several more using content.

This strategy comes from an in-person VIP day I ran recently with 2 business owners who were both struggling to balance serving their clients and serving their businesses. One of them described it as feeling pulled between the client deliverables, meetings and emails and their editorial calendar and dreams for where they wanted to take the business next. They felt like they weren’t making any progress on those goals because they were so bogged down in the day to day client work.

So for them, and for you, in this video. We’re going to cover a 2-level monthly content strategy for service-preneurs. So you can pick either level or start with one and then graduate to the next one, once that first level feels easy and more than doable.

So grab your glitter gel pens and a calendar, and let’s design your monthly content strategy:

The Strategy: Done-For-You Monthly Marketing Plan for Service-Preneurs

This strategy is all about getting more clients but doing it in a way that is super strategic and won’t take a bunch of time that you don’t have. So where can we make the most of the time you do have available for working on your business.

What I recommend, first and foremost, is adding your own business as a client on your docket.

Can you carve out one day a week that’s just for working on YOUR business and goals? Or if that’s not doable, can you carve our 2 half days where you can zero in and focus on your business? This is an important habit that’s going to make all the difference in your ability to create a steady stream of clients, that’s manageable and maybe even start building up a waitlist so you never find yourself in that client feast and famine cycle again.

The second thing that I recommend getting into place is a preview freebie that you can use as a call to action on all of your content as a way of starting to build an interest list.

Picking the RIGHT freebie is really the key here. You have to remember, you want to attract people who’ll be interested in hiring YOU, not learning from you and doing it for themselves.

Some good options are: really juicy case studies that demonstrate your brilliance and your method and the swoon worthy results they lead to. Or you can design something that helps them complete an important prerequisite to working with you that’ll help prepare them and get them ready to be a dream client for your services. The third option that I most often recommend for service businesses is some kind of assessment or thoughtful that again will give you some insights BEFORE working with them into their current situation, goals and challenges.

Once you have those 2 things in place, you’re ready to dive into level 1 of this monthly strategy ↓

Level 1: Bi-Weekly Content Publishing for Service-Based Business Owners

Level 1 is to publish on a bi-weekly basis. You might come into this thinking, the more I publish, the more clients I’m going to get. While it is true that more frequent publishing does help you stay top of mind, what’s more important is quality and consistency. So I find it much more effective to start with less, master that and then as it feels easy, you have the systems in place then level up to publishing more frequently. Ultimately, the decision is yours. This is just based on observations from almost 10 years and working with hundreds of business owners at this point.

So what is level 1?

For level 1, we’re going to publish in week 1 and week 3 of the month. For both levels, the main thing is to choose 1 big problem or goal that your offer solves or helps achieve to base your content around. Which is one of the most powerful parts of this strategy. We’re tying back directly to your offer. So anyone who clicks and reads slash listens or slash watches your content, it probably an ideal client or very close to one. It also means that over the course of a year of creating content this way, you’ll be building up an incredible database of content, directly linked to your offer and selling it from different angles that are going to speak to and appeal to different segments of your audience. What I respond to, someone else might not really care about. And vice versa. What makes them respond to your content and go gaga for your offer, might be a non-starter with me. The other great thing is that after about a year of creating this way, you might not need to create any other content around this offer. You may be able to recycle and republish your content to clear up some major space and time in your business to focus on other things.

So step #1 is to choose a problem that your offer solves or a goal that your offer helps achieve. What do your clients want? What do they gain or avoid or stop from using your service?

Then step #2, for your week 1 blog post, podcast episode or video – I want you to explore that problem or goal. Talk about the symptoms. Talk about why it isn’t their fault. Talk about why it happens. The goal of this post is to give some clarity around the problem or goal and help them identify what it’s causing in their business or life. One of my own posts that I’d put in this bucket is a post I did titled, The “Top 10 Reasons You Didn’t Reach Your Launch Goals.”

Step #3 is to come up with your topic and post for week #3. For this post, podcast or video, you want to talk about how to solve this problem. The goal here is to position your service as the solution to that problem. So what is it about your offer that makes it tailor made for fixing this problem or reaching this goal? This is where you can really get into the design of the offer, go through the steps and keep bringing it back to what’s included in your offer. This isn’t an infomercial. It needs to stand on its own outside of your offer, we’re just using your offer as a product placement in the post. An example of this would be my video on “The 5 Content Projects That’ll Make You The Most Money” I created for potential coaching clients to show the different projects (and why they’re valuable) we can tackle in my 1-1 coaching/consulting package.

For each of these posts, you’ll also send 1 newsletter with a power p.s. about your offer so that anyone interested in applying or a discovery call can get started right away.

Then you’ll also have at least 3 social media posts for the blog post to share on each platform you happen to be using. If you’re familiar with my EASE content strategy, you’ll be unfazed to know I recommend picking 2 platforms – 1 for getting in front of new ideal customers and eyeballs and 1 for engaging with your existing audience.

Every other month, I want to directly sell your service through a 3-5 email campaign in the last week of the month.

Level 2: Weekly Content Publishing for Service-Based Business Owners

For level 2, we’re shifting things around a little bit. Week 1 stays the exact same. Week 3 from level 1 becomes our week 2 for this level.

So week 1 – exploring the problem or the goal in order to provide some clarity and identification. Then week 2 – we’re talking about how to solve the problem and tying it back to your offer.

Here’s what's new:

For week 3, we’re giving some social proof. Here’s the formula: How (insert name) got (add big result) or (fixed big problem). If you don’t have a lot of client proof right now, you can also share your own story. Or a mix of both. We’re going to talk about helpful systems to have in place, but as a teaser, a good one that will help a lot with this week is a case study and testimonial system. When creating this content, always think about the takeaways for the readers. What are the even-if-you-weren’t-there lessons they can benefit from? The goal here is to inspire and provide backup results.

For week 4, we’re going to overcome 1 major objection your audience likely has to solving that problem or achieving that goal. Notice I didn’t overcome an objection to your offer. There are definitely objections they have to the problem itself that if you don’t overcome, won’t even let them consider your offer. So our goal here is to reframe and get ahead of those objections or excuses.

Same as before, for each post (and each week), you’ll publish at least 3 posts on your social profiles promoting the blog posts, podcasts or videos and send 1 email newsletter with a power ps for your service.

The call to action for each of these posts is to sign up for your freebie – that way you can get back in touch with them and get these potential perfect clients on your email list.

Systems to Set Up

There are a handful of systems that’ll make this strategy oodles easier that are worth the time to set up. So as you’re setting these up, maybe start with level 1 of the strategy and then once they’re finished, moved onto level 2.

Here are the systems in order of the impact they’ll make in saving you time:

System #1: Automated Sales System

The first system to set up is your automated sales system. This is important for giving your content a purpose. We want it set up so that if people come across your content in the wild (aka on social media), click through to read, watch or listen to it and then decide your call-to-action to sign up for your freebie is speaking to them, that you have a system in place to follow up automatically with them. All you really need is 2-3 emails that educate them on your services, inspire them with the results you’ve gotten and invite them to the point of sale whether that’s a free call or an application.

System #2: Case Study System

The second system that’ll help you execute this strategy more easily is a case study and testimonial system. For my businesses, this looks like a template that we fill out as soon as the project is over. With starting places pulled from the intake questionnaire. Process pulled from the project plan. And results pull from the final measurement report. There’s also spots for testimonials or words directly from the client. Then we have a website and social media template for copy and pasting the specific project information and images. This makes putting case studies together much quicker.

System #3: Content Workflow

An important system to set up next is your content workflows. This is everything you do to plan your content, produce your content, publish your content and promote your content (the 4Ps of content systems). When I’m setting these up, I like to braindump all my steps, fine tune each step of the process by using it several times, create templates and swipe copy that make each step easier and then finalize the steps into an SOP (standard operating procedure). If you’d like my done-for-you systems kit as a head start, check them out at the link below.

System #4: Content Bank

The final system that will help you execute your content strategy more consistently is a content bank. Every time you create a piece of content, make sure to add it to your content bank. So that if you do get really busy with client work and are tempted to miss a week in your content calendar, you can republish something you’ve already created instead. Think of it, not only as a way of keeping track of your valuable content assets, but also as a backup plan for your content calendar.

Want my free template for multiplying every one of your existing clients into additional ones?

Here's your roadmap:

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P.S. I’m hosting a workshop on March 12th all about how to create a sales funnel that works in 2025. Comment WORKSHOP and I’ll send you the link to sign up.
That bundle or summit you just contributed to? It’s filling your list with dead weight...

Yes, there’s some anecdotal evidence and Cinderella stories from those who they’ve worked for but the majority are doing a lot more harm than good. 

From the participant/customer side: Yes, they get a firehose of information but there’s also so much information that very little (if any) of it gets implemented. 

From the contributor/speaker side: Yes, you get exposure and a big jump in email sign ups, but because all of those people are also signing up for 10+ other people’s lists too, they’re below the lowest form of validated. 

I worked with a client who had started hosting bundles and had grown her email list from just over 1000 to 40000 in a year (!) but when she launched her brand new course couldn’t get a single sale. We worked together after the fact to work on nurturing and validating that list so it came down to around 10K left on the list but after a lot of content, they started converting. 

There’s no way to short cut growing your email list. You’re better off with validated people who want to be there than a whole heap of people who have nearly zero buy-in. 

If you have grown through summits and bundles, have a really good welcome sequence (longer than you think you need) and don’t be afraid to remove people who don’t interact with it. 

One of the things I’m covering in my upcoming workshop all about how to design a funnel offer that’ll sell in 2025 is the validation process. 

Want in? Comment WORKSHOP and I’ll send you the link to sign up for the free workshop on Mar 12th!
Launching your funnel is just the FIRST step—not the end goal! 

Too many business owners hit publish and call it a day, then wonder why they’re not seeing results.

The real magic happens in what you do AFTER launch, and I’ve got a system that’s helped my clients’ funnels outperform industry standards by 3X.

Here are the 4 crucial steps I implement after every funnel launch:

1️⃣ Set up a proper measurement system (no more guessing!)
2️⃣ Optimize all your online hotspots (most people miss this completely)
3️⃣ Run my proprietary Testing Protocol with your existing audience
4️⃣ Create a sustainable traffic strategy that fits YOUR business

The Testing Protocol is my secret weapon—it lets you perfect your messaging while generating initial sales to fund your scaling efforts. Your audience becomes both your testers AND your initial investors!

Want me to walk you through my complete post-launch system step-by-step?

Watch the full breakdown on YouTube to get the entire step-by-step strategy!

#funnelstrategy #marketingtips #onlinebusiness #salesfunnel #digitalmarketing #conversionoptimization #funnelhacks
Stop treating your funnel launch as the finish line! After you hit publish is when the REAL work begins.

My “Testing Protocol” strategy has helped client funnels outperform industry standards for years—here’s why:

Instead of leaving your funnel to die after launch, strategically run your existing audience through it in small groups. These “test subjects” (aka your most engaged followers) help you:

 ✅ Optimize message open rates

 ✅ Improve click-through performance

 ✅ Generate initial sales to FUND your paid ads

The best part? Your audience helps perfect your funnel AND gives you the capital to scale it with confidence. No more guessing if your funnel will convert when you start running traffic!

Comment “FUNNELLAUNCH” if you want the full video with ALL 4 strategies for what to do after launching your funnel (hint: most people skip #2 completely!)
What happens after the funnel purchase matters more...

The main goal of your funnel is to make a sale, right? But after you make that sale comes your biggest window of opportunity (my customer multiplication formula) and most people are majorly dropping the ball here ↓

They send the offer and then treat new customers like everyone else on their email list → when they should be treated like anyone but.

Those who do take advantage of this opportunity turn new customers into brand ambassadors, repeat purchases and referrals.

How does this relate back to touchpoints?

This comes back to building your funnel around touchpoints. Looking at data for 2025:

📊 Past customers only need 1–3 touches on average
📊 Warm inbound leads need 5–12 touches
📊 Cold prospects require 20–50 touches

Even though it takes WAY less touchpoints to upsell existing customers, most people hyper focus on bringing in new sales when focusing on your existing customers is a much better way to bring in repeat AND new sales.

What is the delight and invite funnel?

That’s where the delight and invite funnel comes in. It becomes your offer delivery sequence with more delight and invite opportunities woven in.

The main goals of this funnel:

🏆 Incorporate feedback loops to get ahead of challenges your customers experience + be first to hear about wins

🏆 Create assets and campaigns around customer results

🏆 Connect directly with new customers to let them know they’re seen and appreciated

🏆 Incentivize them to share the offer with their audiences and friends

🏆 Invite them to exclusive offers

Here’s the customer multiplication formula this funnel is built upon:

Delight x Invite = Turning Every Happy Client Into 2-3 More

This formula (and the strategies behind it) is one of the things I’m covering in an upcoming workshop about designing a funnel offer that’ll sell in 2025.

Want in? Comment WORKSHOP and I’ll send you the link to sign up for the free workshop on Mar 12th!
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